Menorca Airport (MAH)
Car Parking

(Menorca, Spain)

Mahon Airport (MAH) has two car parks, P-1 and P-2. Short-term parking is offered in P-1, while long-term parking is available in P-2. A small number of disabled parking spaces are available in both facilities.

The following list details further information on parking choices for those arriving with their own set of wheels.


Short-term parking is available in the P-1 facility. The first 30 minutes of parking are free after which parking is charged on an hourly basis, payment is made at booths upon exit and fees are reasonable.


Long-term parking is available in the P-2 facility and is charged at a set rate for the first four days and at a reduced rate for any further days. Better rates are had by booking online to secure a guaranteed space.


A total of six parking spaces dedicated to disabled drivers are available; four spaces in P-1 and two spaces in P-2. Assistance is available for drop off and parking by enquiring at the entry booths.

Menorca Airport MAH

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